How To Plan Your PTO

How to plan PTO

Some of you may think that travel is only for the freelancers, retirees, or those of us with unlimited PTO, but I’m here to tell you, travel is for everyone. It just takes a little planning.

At the start of each year I take a look at my company’s holiday calendar and plot out the best times to take vacations. Of course this means taking into account annual work events, weddings, seasonal weather, and anything else that you think may affect your calendar. We all know certain holidays that allow us an extra day off - are you utilizing those free days? Sometimes if you know you have major events / deadlines at work and you’re going to be busting your butt at the office, plan a vacation after that as a reward. Your boss will be so in awe of your hard work that they’ll understand why you’re asking for the PTO.

By setting time aside in the beginning of the year to create a loose schedule of your travel, you beat the crowd in terms of applying for PTO. Speak with your boss about this early and they may even approve everything at once. Then you won’t have to worry about not being able to take that trip because Karen has already booked those days and the department can’t have two people OOO.

Not only are you beating the rush and securing some much needed time off during the year, but this also helps with budgeting and saving up for your trips. It’s always great to have enough money set aside to hop on those flight deals from Scott’s Cheap Flights. Especially when you already know you’ve got the time secured off at work!

My mom always says there’s no such thing as luck, just being prepared. So prepare yourself for a year of vacations and put together your plan and budget!

I’m thinking about offering travel planners - would you guys want them? Drop me a note in the comments!