are you a full time traveler?

No, I’m not, but that’s the dream, right?! I work a 9-5 office job currently and enjoy my vacations a few times a year. I used to be a freelancer so I had more time to travel nonstop, hence the large amount of stamps in my passport.

how often do you travel?

I typically take a vacation every 4 months to reset and step away from the office.

What’s your favorite country?

I can’t pick one - it’s impossible! I’ll give you my top 5 instead: Singapore, Italy, The Netherlands, Japan and Malaysia.

How many languages do you speak?

I speak 4 languages: English, Spanish, French and Mandarin Chinese. My goal is to learn 5 - so if you speak Japanese, send me an email, I’d love a language partner!


Can you help me plan my next trip?

Yes! Send me an email and I can craft a customized itinerary for you. I can even plan your entire next trip for you!

What do you do for a living?

I am an event planner. I plan large scale events throughout the US for one of the largest financial institutions on Earth. That’s everything from one day events, to multi-day events taking large groups of guests to new cities and planning full itineraries for them inclusive of dining, activities, and unique experiences they can’t get anywhere else. What can I say, I love planning memorable experiences for people both in and out of work.

have you ever lived abroad?

Yes! I’ve lived in 5 countries throughout my adult life. Expat life is my favorite! I’ve lived in Mexico, Australia, China (3 different cities!), Barcelona and the USA.